Parental/Carer Information

Who are we?

EMWPREP is a  collaboration of Midlands-based Higher Education. We manage a database which securely stores information about the type of activities our partners run to help to raise aspirations about, and increase knowledge of, Higher Education opportunities for young people.

Why we collect information?

In order to measure the success of these activities we collect important information participants taking part.  We do this so we can evidence the usefulness of these activities on young people and the information we collect helps us demonstrate to funders, such as the Office for Students (OfS), the value and impact of these activities.

How we collect information?

Our partners will ask for a data collection form to be completed when a young person takes part in an activity. The data collected on these forms is strictly confidential and stored securely on a web-enabled database

Why do we ask for postcode?

Postcodes tells us how many young people in that area typically go to university, the Government wants more young people from certain postcode areas to go into higher education. EMWPREP and our partner use this information to effectively monitor the targeting of activity to young people by postcode

Why are we asking about gender, disabilities, ethnicity and other personal information?

There are some groups which we know are under-represented in Higher Education, having contextual information about the young people our partners work with ensures EMWPREP and our partners can effectively monitor the targeting of activity to young people in those under represented groups.

Do I have to complete the form?

Completion of the form is not compulsory and we would only wish for to be filled out and returned if parent/carers are completely happy to do so. Non completion of the form should do prohibit attendance to the activity.

Will we share the data you provide?

For research purposes we may share the data with:
– our partner universities and colleges,
– the young persons school or college,
– third-party activity providers working with partner universities and colleges, and
– the young persons school or college’s Local Authority.

What will you do with the information?

We may use the data to then link to other educational data already held about the young person (including Department for Education data held on the National Pupil Database, Individualised Learner Record data, UCAS records and/or HESA student records). We may also access this data and use it to see if university or college activities have made a difference to your child / dependant’s future progression.

Where will the information be stored?  

The information received is stored securely on a web-enabled Monitoring and Evaluation Database which serves as a central information, access and storage point for all our partners.