Team Update
We were sad to say farewell to Camellia in February who left the team to pursue a new challenge. In light of the recent A&P guidance along with the announcement of NCOP Phase 2, EMWPREP believe it is an opportune time to look at the EMWPREP staffing structure in line with the needs of the partnership. Details of plans were shared and approved at our recent steering group meeting and roles should be advertised shortly.
We are currently working on the latest HESA data requests to provide updated progression analysis reports. We hope the data extract should be available at the end of May and analysis will take place before the end of year reports in June/ July. This year’s report won’t contain an update of destination information as the DLHE survey has now been and been replaced with the Graduate Outcomes survey which will not be available until the spring of 2020 (as it is collected 15 months after they finish their studies).
Database Development
We are continuing to work closely with our developer on the Phase 2 developments, there is now a comprehensive work schedule for the forthcoming months. Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with some recent changes.
EMWPREP are still keen to get partners feedback and steer on the database, so please get in touch if you have any suggestions.
Are your database users up to date?
Since the implementation of GDPR we must ensure that access to the database is limited to those which require it. It is the responsibility of superusers to inform EMWPREP of any updates, failure to do so could lead to breached data compliance agreements. Get in touch for your institutional user list.
Database Training
We are aiming to facilitate a training session in the summer which will be open to all database users. Sign up for further information
All HEI partners received their interim reports on Thursday 28th February. Interim reports provide a snap shot in time and EMWPREP urge partners to reviews the reports and provide any feedback to EMWPREP.
One of our partners, De Montfort University, in partnership with Arts Council England have recently announced a longitudinal study following children born in Leicester over the first 25 years of their lives, seeing just what happens when they are given regular opportunities to get involved in creative activities.
Talent25 aims to provide, for the first time, academic evidence of the impact that sustained arts experiences. It is expected that participant data will be recorded on EMWPREP
The OfS have highlighted a case study of the success of a project ran one of partners, Higher Horizons. The Fast Trackers project gives young people an insight into university level study and graduate level jobs within the engineering industry. Read More
The interim findings of the HELOA and UniTasterDays national review of HE IAG provision within secondary schools and FE colleges across England have been published. Read More
External Training and Conferences
1st April / 2nd April (Manchester / Bristol)
Making sustainable change to HE progression in schools and colleges
10th April (Birmingham)
10th – 12th April (Telford)
Lifelong Learning and Innovation, Universities Association for Lifelong Learning annual conference
8th May (Bristol)
22nd May (Sheffield)
23rd May (Milton Keynes)