Higher education and local growth: launch of local profiles data

HEFCE has published a new interactive data toolkit based on local higher education profiles. The new data tool looks at the pattern of higher education (HE) at both Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and regional level. It includes data on student numbers and characteristics, graduate employment, and higher education's interaction with business and the community. Read More

Record levels of first-class graduates getting into teaching

Record levels of graduates with a first-class degree are training to teach, official figures reveal today (27 November 2014). The annual initial teacher training (ITT) census shows that 1 in 6 teacher trainees (17%) starting this academic year now holds a first-class degree, the highest proportion ever recorded, with over two-thirds (73%) holding a 2:1 or better. Read More

‘Degrees of value’ depend on student engagement

'Does higher education offer students value for money?’ This is one of the key questions behind the latest report on higher education from the consumer group Which?. The report – ‘A Degree of Value’ – calls for reform on a number of fronts: better information and advice for students, improved complaints procedures and other consumer protections, and changes to the regulatory system. Read More