Pupils in some areas are not offered ‘vital’ GCSEs

Pupils in some parts of England are unlikely to take exams that could be vital to their job prospects - such as sciences and languages - due to a subject "desert", a study has found. The Open Public Services Network examined GCSE statistics from 2013 and found in some authorities a third of schools did not offer triple science. Read More

Hefce granted regulatory powers over new providers and universities

England’s funding council will be given powers to regulate the entry of new providers and universities to the sector, a move described as “an early job application” for the council to be the chief regulator after the election. Meanwhile, the University and College Union has accused the Higher Education Funding Council for England of furthering the marketisation of higher education through the programme for its annual conference. Read More

Gender gap in university admissions rises to record level

Women accepted to study at university outnumbered men by record levels last year, with female applicants dominating entrance to medicine, law and biology undergraduate degrees. The 2014 admissions data from Ucas, the UK’s universities clearing house, also revealed record numbers of acceptances for disabled people and Asian and black ethnic groups, with a falling proportion for students from independent schools. Read More

Did £9,000 fees cut applications?

When tuition fees in England's universities rocketed to £9,000 per year, applications plunged in the opposite direction. Applications slumped by the biggest ever amount, down by about 40,000 in England when they were introduced in 2012. It looked like thousands of young people were going to be frozen out of higher education. Read More

Leicester and Leicestershire schools and colleges receive £240,000 boost

The work of local educators across Leicester and Leicestershire to encourage young people to progress to higher education has received a boost today after it was announced that the local REACH Partnership, based at the University of Leicester, will over the next two years receive £240,000 in government funding after being chosen as one of the new HEFCE National Networks for Collaborative Outreach. This will expand upon the operating budget of £60,000 currently provided by the University of Leice...